Brian W Zelt

PhD, PEng

who is


Brian is President of an independent company, Zelt Professional Services Inc (Zelt PSI) incorporated in 1998, with over 25 years of consulting experience in air dispersion modelling.  His undergraduate and post-graduate studies were at the University of Alberta in mechanical engineering. His graduate work was in the field of turbulence and the modelling of concentration fluctuations.


Brian currently applies his knowledge and experience in the fields of air dispersion modelling, risk assessment, surface water dispersion modelling and application programming. Brief summaries of his qualifications are listed below:

  • Applied fields of turbulence and dispersion modelling with experience authoring dispersion models and using other regulatory dispersion models.  Active in the development of new modelling techniques and tools for dispersion modelling of hazardous pollutants, sour gas, pipelines, risk assessment and non-routine flaring.
  • Thermodynamics and combustion for the estimation of emissions
  • Expert witness for the Queen’s Bench and as an expert for EIA hearings
  • Environmental and human health risk assessment techniques including probabilistic and discrete methodologies
  • Graphic arts, graphing, mapping and GIS communicating complex and technical information in layman-accessible formats
  • Computer application and database programming.  Languages include C/C++, fortran, awk, visual-basic, VB for Microsoft applications, PHP, MYSQL, jscript, TeX/LaTeX and assembler languages.
  • Professional member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geologists of Alberta (APEGA) and British Columbian (APEGBC).



ZELT Professional Services Inc.