We are designing new training videos for AERflare and ABflare. We are working preview and subscription services to host the videos.
AERtools is a collection of spreadsheet and application programs created for air quality professionals for the calculation of source parameters and ground level concentrations. The tools were created based upon state-of-the-art engineering considerations of thermodynamics, energy balance, mass balance and practical application of these principles for use with current air dispersion models and methods.
AERflare is the current evolution of ERCBflare and ERCBincin tools. This tool functions as a stand-alone MS Excel spreadsheet server and database. The tool accepts user inputs and generates air dispersion modelling source inputs for the U.S. EPA AERMOD dispersion model and steady state source parameters for the CALPUFF air dispersion model. AERflare can be used to create AERMOD ready input files or can be used as a server to run AERMOD in screening or refined modes and interpret the predictions for Alberta regulatory ambient air quality compliance and well test flaring/incineration applications. The goal in developing AERflare was to ensure a consistent content, required contents and quality of air quality modelling, reports and applications to AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) and AEP (Alberta Environment and Parks).
ABflare was developed as a sister tool to AERflare. Whereas AERflare was developed for screening and refined air dispersion modelling for AERMOD, ABflare was developed for refined dispersion modelling for time-varying source parameters of flare sources for the CALPUFF model. As a part of the ABflare model development, the CALPUFF model was extended to extend the source types from point, line, volume and area sources to include a flare source. The flare source in CALPUFF is a time-varying (arbitrary input) file allowing the time variation of height, diameter, velocity, temperature and location of the (effective) point source. The ABflare tool is used to create the time-varying input file as well as act as a server to assist the creation of CALPUFF input files and assessment of output from this type air quality analysis. The ABflare tool can be used to create CALPUFF and AERMOD input files.
Version 3.05 of AERflare includes requirement for flares to meet 98% efficiency at design windspeed (10m/s) for all Qmax, Qave and Qmin. Updated RBC analysis for unplanned flaring which now must meet the AAAQO at 90th percentile as a function of time. Previously, the RBC unplanned flaring required to meet the 90th percentile at each receptor.
Version 3.04 of AERflare removes coding that was flagged by Microsoft as being potentially malware.
Version 3.03 of AERflare uses screening meteorology based upon 2020 landuse screening 10x10km grid for Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
Version 3.02 of AERflare provides a major update of AERflare including a large list of optimizations, bug fixes and changes. See below. A draft User Manual is provided below.
NOTE: for security reasons, AERflare uses a batch file to execute the AERMOD/AERMET modules. The batch files are included in the distribution ZIP file and must be configured on the iBIN page of AERflare.
NOTE: Screening Met files are no longer required for AERflare 3.x. Screening met files are created on-the-fly based upon preprocessed land use grid cells developed for AB, BC and SK.
Some of the features may still contain bugs and we appreciate hearing about all suspected bugs, odd behavior or suggested improvements and features.
Updated ABflare is in progress.
spreadsheet bundle
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AERflare Version V3.05.250117
- Recent update to CSA Z620.3 recommends that sour gas flaring meet 99% efficiency and non sour gas flaring meet 98% efficiency. This version of AERflare has reduced the flaring efficiency requirement from 99% back to 98% efficiency due to uncertainties in predicting efficiency. There has been some confidence developed that the equation used to predict efficiency for flares works reasonably well at 98%. However, that equation does not account of H2S combustion kinetics that are a function of gas composition, residence time and temperatures. Therefore, when changing from 98% to 99%, there are greater uncertainties and variabilities that are not accounted for and trying to achieve 99% for some flaring scenarios may result in excessive fuel gas requirements.
- Updated the RBC (risk based criterion) for EMERGENCY scenarios. The 90th percentile was originally intended to be based upon fraction of time, but was implemented at each receptor. AERflare now uses the percentile as a function of time (for any and all receptors modelled) for the 90th percentile only. This presumes that an unbiased receptor grid is used which must include the maximum concentrations for any wind angle.
- Bug fixes correcting 24h and annual concentrations displayed on oMODELLING.
- bug fixes
AERflare Version V3.05.240317
- Corrected corrupted style on iUSERMET preventing iBATCH from reloading
- Corrected PROPERTIES page setting for O2 (oxygen) number of outputs in Column J, from blank to 2.
- Updated to the incinerator performance measures plots on bottom of iSOURCE. These plot assist in designing incinerators or combustors especially for turn down rates.
- Corrected processing for landuse reduction for iUSERMET. The 2020 landuse file was not projected correctly, resulting a shift in the data.
- Added a check box on iUSERMET to output the raw landuse data image in original lambert conformal coordinates. This creates a .BMP file in the working folder
- Corrected accidental erasure of the AERflare sync settings file.
AERflare Version V3.04.240304
- Corrected iSOURCE page, the button ‘Convert to UTM‘ returned zero coordinates
- Corrected oMODELLING 24h maximums for SO2 and H2S displayed the same values.
- Corrected oSUMMARY page the minimum exit velocity displayed incorrect values
- Updated the 24h and annual average concentrations for screening mode. Both the 24h and annual average concentrations in screening mode now use the 90th 24h factor and annual average factor based upon the maximum 10 degree wind sector for the closest met station in Alberta, BC and SK using the CWEEDS meteorological data (2020 latest release). If locations are outside of AB, BC or SK, then the AERscreen factors are used. Factors are listed on the new CWEEDS technical page. Since there is considerable diversity the in the met station factors, the met station factors are used instead of the AERscreen so that the results of the screen more closely match refined modelling if required. The 90th percentile (P90) values are used as reasonable worst case. Note, however, that there is some risk of exceeding the P90 values for daily, monthly and annual predictions.
- Added the 30-d average concentration which is a calculation of the calendar day monthly average concentration. For screening, the 30-day factor is based upon the 90th percentile 30-day factor for the maximal 10-degree wind sector for the closest met station in Alberta, BC and SK using the CWEEDS meteorological data.
- Corrected oAERMOD and oMODELLING pages for reference to iSOURCE:flare_zoneduration (cell D74) but should be maximum of cells D74:E74, or max(flare_zoneduration, flare_zoneduration_x)
- Added 30-d processing to oPOSTPROCESSING.
- Corrected bug in subroutine PostProcessin_Internal() that returned the maximum value of the last processing pass, instead of the first pass for 24h, 30d and annual average results. Multiple passes can be created to determine the maximum 1h average concentration, but that subset of receptor locations may not contain the maximum 24h, 30d and annual averages.
AERflare Version V3.04.240228
- Bug Fixes
- Reconciled differences between AERflare and ABflare combustion calculations
- Corrected properties for combustion products for C2H2 through C6H12
- Updated oMODELLING and oSUMMARY displayed results
- Updated the methane GWP from 25 to 28 in the calculation of CO2e
- Added N2O emissions to CO2e calculations on the oCALCFLARE and oCALCINCIN, oMODELLING pages.
- Added N2O emission factors to EF page
- Removed Qmax/Volume of Blowdown from iSTART Non-Defaults
- Added restore of all settings on the iSTART page when a row is loaded from the iBATCH page
- Added Ethyne (acetylene) to gas composition
- Added Buoyancy and Momentum flux to summary output on oMODELLING page
- Changed the font on oMODELLING and oAERMOD to be strike through when the WARNING_REMODEL flag is set
- Corrected compile error in modDEM
AERflare Version V3.04.231214
- Updated the oMODELLING page to include the 24h and annual average outputs for refined modelling (where data is greater than 90% of 8760hrs) that were already included in the output process from the oAERMOD page. AERflare will now display 1h, 24h and annual averages for refined modelling using the oMODELLING page.
- Corrected inconsistencies in the oMODELLING displayed output for odours vs mass concentrations.
- Corrected inconsistencies on iSTART, oMODELLING and oAERMOD page with respect to the displayed limts and objects for 1h, 24h and annual.
- Updated required printout pages to include the oAERMOD page. The required pages provide the inputs, hour-by-hour parameters (oAERMOD) as well as the design rate (10m/s windspeed) parameters applicable for ground level radiation and demonstration of destruction (conversion) efficiency.
- Added the Constants and Objectives/Limits tables on oAERMOD to the Current-Run vs Last-Run comparison. This ensures that the flag “**REMODEL** Inputs don’t Match Outputs” is displayed appropriately.
AERflare Version V3.04.231121
- Corrected displayed units on oFIGURE1 to MIX (ppm) vs ug/m3
- Corrected limits on oSTART for MIX to ppm
- Corrected limits on oMODELLING for MIX.
- NOTE: limits for MIX are LFL which may be different for QMAX, QAVE or QMIN.
- Corrected re-load from batch error which did not paste the correct values back to oAERMOD page
- Adjust wording oMODELLING, to emphasis the flare modelling MUST use hbh processing and does not use the representative (typical) value listed in the oMODELLING parameters table. Modelling for flares using those values will be rejected.
AERflare Version V3.04.231013
- Updated lost link to VBA references in backend
- Clarified requirements for notification requirements section of oSUMMARY regarding venting
AERflare Version V3.04.231002
- Updated hide technical pages inclusion list
- Updated oSummary highlighting flagged rows that fail requirements
- Removed issue in macros that caused OneDrive to identify AERflare as malware
AERflare Version V3.03230828
- Corrected oAERMOD page for incinerators, when completing a modelling run the comparevalues() macro reported differences from last run because it compared cells with empty string to empty cell.
AERflare Version V3.03230824
- Corrected oCalcFlare page, Fuel gas composition. Logic was corrected to use iSOURCE gas composition when fuelgas or HP fuel gas assist is selected. The previous logic defaulted to propane for HP Fuel Gas assist.
AERflare Version V3.03.230814
- Corrected obscure bug in reading BigTiff related to support for 2020 GeoTiff. Updated coding of GeoTiff read to include all ESRI modified geographic projection strings.
- Updated screening met profiles for 10x10km grid cells for AB, BC and SK using 2020 LCC file.
- Updated flare efficiency calculation to use the recommended Z620.3:22 wind speed of 10m/s. Updated oSUMMARY page with reference to Z620.3:22
- Updated required conversion efficiency according to Z620.3:22 to be 98% for non-sour service and 99% for sour service (>1% H2S). Efficiency requirements are required for Qmax, Qave and Qmin
- Added support for staged ground flare enclosures. A staged ground flare must be evaluated for each stage of proposed operation. For each stage, the Qmax, Qave and Qmin must be evaluated. It is assumed that that the nozzle exit velocities are sonic. This assumption over-estimates the momentum of the release, however, the impact of this assumption affects only the near-field plume and not the final plume rise which is dominated by the buoyancy of the energy released. Only the height of the nozzle stem and the number flare heads is required to characterize the release. Ground flares are assumed to be NOT affected by wind speed due to the heat fence shielding surrounding the flare heads.
- Corrected issue with ‘remodelling required’ being displayed even after a remodel was performed.
- Updated flaring requirements from D060 to Z620.3:22, such as minimum heating value of 20 MJ/m³: “if the LHV of the waste gas is less than 20 MJ/m³, the method of control should be an incinerator of enclosed combustor. To increase the heating value of the inlet gas, makeup fuel gas should be added. If a flare is considered, makeup fuel gas shall be used to increase the heating value of the inlet gas to a minimum of 20 MJ/m3.
- Changed the design wind speed from the average (typical) wind speed to 10m/s to match Z620.3:22. This ensures that the flare efficiency is adequate for most occurring wind speeds.
- Added support for extended gas analysis.
- Added support for ethylene, propylene, butene, pentene and hexene.
- Added the calculations of flaring in-efficiency emissions to the oMODELLING page output for PM2.5, THC (total hydrocarbon), MHC (methane), VOC (non methane and non ethane), NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbons. Also added effective emissions factors for these emissions.
AERflare Version V3.02.230314
- Added support for 2020 GeoTiff
- Corrected hanging ‘spinning’ cursor when no file was found on oMetSum
AERflare Version V3.02.230311
- Corrected 'file not found' issue that may occur when DEMLIB setting does not include trailing backslash.
AERflare Version V3.02.230216
- Corrected formatting on iSOURCE gas composition entry.
- Corrected displayed Heating value on oSUMMARY.
- Corrected display Minimum conversion efficiency on oSUMMARY
AERflare Version V3.02.230109
- The event duration for blowdowns is now not-disabled (ie, it was greyed-out, but is now active). For non-permit flaring or incineration, a blowdown may have a finite duration rather than the length of the blowdown. The blowdown ‘time to depressurization’ is a description of the flowrate curve, not the duration of flaring. Therefore, the result on oMODELLING, oAERMOD and oBLOWDOWN for a transient blowdown now reflect possible effects of sub-hourly event duration on the one-hour time average results
- Added blowdown model=5, which the user enters the average rate over the specified blow down time to XX%. For example, Qave=10 e3m3/d for 50% in 15minutes, is an average rate of 10 e3m3/d in 15minutes for the blow down to 50%. If the user also selects the duration of flare event to be 15minutes, then the flare would be stopped after 15minutes. Model=3, is the average rate over the full blowdown time period, defined by a 50% decrease in 15minutes.
- Adjusted warnings on oSUMMARY; if iSTART run flag for QmaxSO2 is selected, then minimum efficiency selected for only QmaxSO2. But a warning that all Qmax,Qave and Qmin is still displayed.
- Added minimal allowance for Win32 platforms. AERflare requires x64 to read BigTiff files for LandUse processing and was updated to read binary (aermod output) files using x64. However, for screening, LandUse files are not required. AERflare was changed to allow Win32 systems to read binary AERMOD output files using 32 bit operations.
- Bug fixes on oPOSTPROCESSING: reporting on can’t find files; separating looking for receptor/terrain file from loading it; bug fix related to loading blowdown 3x files; inconsistent flags/logic.
- Corrected logic preventing results for blowdown modelling for intermediate and refined from displaying on the oSUMMARY page for Climit1 and Climit2.
- Corrected display of leader line on transient blowdown chart, for the 99.9th (or user selected) ultimate limit and time.
- Created a list of settings from the iSTART page, which are included in the as modelled list of settings on the oMODELLING page output and oBATCH.
- The AERflare version stamps are saved on the oBATCH page for each modelling run
- Updated meteorological processing to accommodate changes in AERMET processing version 22112 that no longer requires stage 2. Changed dates input to use YYYY instead of YY. YYYY is required in version 22112, however both were acceptable in previous AERMET input files.
- Updated logic for solving for fuel gas (FGR) to meet 20 MJ/m³ (D060 requirement) or 98% (CSA requirement). Solution avoids negative results by first checking if conditions are already met without fuel gas.
- Updated the visibility of oFIGURE2. Since all flaring using HbH, oFIGURE2 is visible for continuous, planned and unplanned flaring.
- Renamed control setting mMULTISOURCE to mAdjustHsSTD (to avoid confusion with the iMULTISOURCE page). And, removed the PEAKWIND setting used with mAdjustHsSTD, which is no longer required. mAdjustHsSTD (BETA) setting can be used when using Alternative flare models (such as Ontario, EPA or BC) which do not allow for using NOSTD. mAdjustHsSTD setting is used when AERMOD is run with STD (ie, without setting NOSTD) as might be performed when modelling a flare with other non-flare sources. mAdjustHsSTD adjusts the flare effective stack height on an hour by hour basis upwards by the amount that AERMOD will adjust the stack height lower through stack downwash. The adjustment uses the pseudo-diameter and pseudo-exit velocity which are the variables AERMOD will be using calculate stack tip downwash. Using the ‘Create AERMOD Input Files Only’ run setting, the QUICK method should can be used to create a flare source AERMOD ready file, with the flare source parameters as a function of wind speed categories. This flare source parameters can then be copied into a multi-source control file for multi-source modelling. The flare model Stack Exit Input Parameters (oMODELLING page) represent the average conditions and average adjusted stack height based upon the average annual wind speed only. Because AERMOD applies the stack tip downwash on an hourly basis, the hour-by-hour flare source parameters (as per the wind speed categories) must be used. AERFLARE adjusts the stack height by solving for the downwash for wind speed at the adjusted stack height using PG and power-law velocity profile — however, AERMOD uses a profile based upon the profile data and 29 gridded elevations interpolated for wind speed at stack top (ie, a different velocity profile), therefore the mAdjustHSSTD method used by AERFLARE is approximate. To avoid this discrepancy, instead of mAdjustHSSTD, the iMULTISOURCE page can be used to create wind speed category source parameters for all non-flares by adjusting the stack height for downwash. In this latter method, NOSTD is used for all sources, and downwash is accounted for, for all sources.
AERflare Version V3.02.220612
- Corrected introduced error causing Error 1004 and ‘cannot write’ to cell. The AERflare spreadsheet now tracks the X,Y location of the calculation on the page to avoid issues when the flare location was changed on the iSOURCE page, but the user has not updated the iTERRAIN or iUSERMET pages.
- minor bug fixes
AERflare Version V3.02.220404
- Corrected issue causing DMS error message when processing land use
- Corrected issue if screening meteorological parameters for a single land use type causing data to not be extracted
- minor bug fixes
AERflare Version V3.02.220315
- Corrected issue resolving folder and path names when the root folder for AERflare is on Microsoft OneDrive. Although the same folder issue does not occur with iCloud, both iCloud and OneDrive may cause issues with AERflare by locking the file during their sync process. It is recommended that AERflare NOT be fun directly from OneDrive or iCloud. A possible work around is to use the WorkingFolder option; see iSTART mUseParentFolder and iBIN WorkingFolder.
- Corrected bug in SaveToBatch command from iSOURCE page.
- Modified the LandUse Classification Codes on iUSERMET. The codes now match ABflare. The codes from the TIF files (either North American or Europe) are translated to the codes listed in Alberta’s Air Quality Modelling Guideline. Many of the codes are not used in Canada land classification nor Europe, however, these historical classification codes system is used for possible future applicability.
- Optimized the extraction of land classification codes from the large tiff files.
- Added ‘set Default Dates’ to iUSERMET to reset dates to default range for WRF Alberta dataset files.
- minor bug fixes.
AERflare Version V3.02.220110
- Updates to iBATCH. Added RUN flags so that batch runs could be made to run iTERRAIN, iUSERMET and iUSERTER before running oMODELLING. Run flags are additive:
- New columns were added/moved to iBATCH and oBATCH to accommodate the new run features. Use the ‘Copy from Old Workbook’ button on iBATCH to copy the columns from the old work book to the new work book. Both Work books must be open in excel.
- Added a progress meter to the iBATCH run
- iBATCH bug fixes
AERflare version V3.02.220106
- Update to iSOURCE when you save to batch, the scenario name is scanned in iBATCH, and you have the option to over-write the existing row or create a new row. Scenario names should be unique.
- Added ‘Fix Duplicate Names’ button to scan the scenario names on the iBATCH, and then make them unique
- Removed ‘load Met’ and ‘run Met’ from iBATCH page. This functionality can now be achieved with the new run flags, see below.
- Update to oSUMMARY to correct logic issues for whether a permit was required with respect to low volume or low H2S levels
- Updated iBATCH/oBATCH to save the iTERRAIN, iUSERTER, iUSERMET inputs and outputs. These are now saved and reloaded when loading rows to/from iBATCH
- Added run flags to iBATCH to individual or sequential running of iTERRAIN, iUSERMET and iUSERTER then oMODELLING
- Re-Arrangement of iBATCH and oBATCH columns to adjust to above changes
- Corrected binning issue for small numbers on oMETSUM frequency of wind directions.
- Bug fix on changes to iTERRAIN that did not display the stack base location elevation determined from the DEM
AERflare Version V3.02.211217
- Removed FAX numbers from Duty Holder and Consultant on iFACILITY and iBATCH
AERflare Version 3.02.211215
- Added inputs for AEP provided DEM and Landuse files. The AEP files are the same raw data as used by AER but the AEP provided files are in ASC format which are slow to process.
- Updated the Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall seasons for meteorological processing as per AQMG for typical Alberta conditions. The user can modify the defaults on the iSTART page for other provinces or world locations.
- Bug fixes, optimizations
AERflare Version V3.01
- NOTE: the batch page column entries have changed to accommodate the new or changed inputs
- Updated the thermal radiation calculations and provide graphics on the oCalcFlare page.
- Revised modelling options. The ‘button’ approach has been removed and replaced with ‘Screening’, ‘Intermediate’ or ‘Refined’. These options allow for combinations of land-use (meteorological) and terrain input sophistication.
- Updated the meteorological screening process. (see iSTART, mQUICK). The land-use for each 10km x 10km grid cell was determined for Alberta, British Columbian and Saskatchewan using the Canadian 2015 dataset. The four-season albedo, Bowen ratio and roughness were determined for each grid cell (centre) and tabulated. The AERflare screening now uses the predetermined land-use characterization and runs MAKEMET meteorological screening automatically.
- Added fixed or variable control setting for flare fuel gas (moved from iSTART page). This setting specifies whether the fuel gas is a fixed (constant) value for all flow rates (Qmax, Qave, Qmin) or is variable for each flow rate. Moved the ‘Fixed Rate’ setting from iSTART to the iSOURCE page as option 3. The ‘Fixed Rate’ is a fixed flow rate and the fuel gas ratio is therefore, ‘Fixed Rate’/Qmax, ‘Fixed Rate’/Qave or ‘Fixed Rate’/Qmin
- Added fixed or variable control setting for incinerator excess air. This setting specifies whether the fuel gas is a fixed (constant) value for all flow rates (Qmax, Qave, Qmin) or is variable for each flow rate.
- Updated the excess air calculations for incinerators. Excess air requirements can be manually specified, or can be calculated as per the new ‘Excess Air Calculations’ button on the iSOURCE page. This button determines the excess air required to produce the specified source temperature or oxygen content in exhaust.
- Updated the pseudo-parameter calculations for conservations of buoyancy, momentum and mass (flow). Pseudo-parameter approach is used for flares and incinerators
- Removed the ‘manual’ entry method for terrain processing which allowed for the entry of contour level and distance pairs based upon manual interpretation of maps.
- Added air entrainment rates for Steam and HP Fuel
- Small corrections/adjustments of combustion calculations for consistency
- Updated the gas composition to match the gas composition for default air in GPSA. Made the combustions consistent with broader definition of Air so that properties such as specific heat, etc were consistent.
- Change in the method calling external programs (AERMOD,AERMET,etc..) to use an external batch file and a system call to EXPLORER.exe. This avoids client internal security lock does with Office applications.
- Added a flag on iUSERTER to warn users if output file may exceed 2GB causing potential file storage issues, longer run times, longer processing times.
- Changed the screening procedure for Hour-By-Hour processing to use AERMOD’s built in wind speed categories. This reduces pre-processing time of AERflare to create an emissions file based upon the meteorology. Instead, simplifications were adopted to estimate the release emissions based upon wind speed only. Small changes can be expected in the predictions.
- Added forced draft (as per previous) and natural draft calculations for incinerator stacks.
- Updated the flare heat radiation calculations as per API521.
- Removed Criterion column of calculations which was previous used to determine whether complex terrain modelling was required. These calculations were no longer used. An indication of complex terrain (plume impingement on terrain) is now included based upon the actual flared gases (not criterion flared gas with fuel or assist) for Qmax, Qave and Qmin. The indication is displayed on the oSUMMARY page for D060 requirement, complex terrain modelling requirement.
- Added parent folder or working folder output path to redirect output to a folder
- Added mCALCULATIONMODE on iSTART. mCALCULATIONMODE=0 (automatic) makes Excel recalculate all cells and tables. mCALCULATIONMODE=1 (semi-automatic) makes Excell recalculate only cells and not data tables (this is the preferred default). Since the AERflare contains some data tables, recalculations can be slowed considerably. Therefore, only recalculate datatables as required (press F9)
- Renamed the oAERSCREEN page to oAERMOD
- Added (ambient) Temperature to the output saved on the oFIGURE1 page. The results of the air dispersion modelling can be summarized as a function of concentration, ambient wind speed, temperature, stability class, terrain elevation, or mixing height.
AERflare-incin Version V2.17.210601
AERflare-incin Version V2.17.210217
- Added BIG file processing to allow output BIN files from AERMOD to be larger than 2G boundary allowed by Excel VBA processing.
- HP fuel assist was added but has been updated in version 3.01. This version assumes HP fuel assist is injected at sonic. This was adjusted to actual injection velocity in version 3.01. In Addition, the ring diameter is not accounted for in this version, but is accounted for in version 3.01.
- Numerous bug fixes following a spreadsheet rebuild after a spreadsheet binary corruption issue, ugh
- Added 64bit file processing abilities
- AERflare no loner support 32 bit office. 64 bit office is required.
- The spreadsheet can be used with LandUse circa 2002 or the new 2010 or 2015 data files. See iSTART—mLANDUSE_2002 switch. The default is to use the newer data; but the legacy data is still available online and still works with this version of AERflare. The code for the 2002 is not optimized well and is slow. The new 2015 FILE (not file(S)) can be downloaded as per the information on the iBIN page. The file needs to be downloaded by the user only once since it covers the entire Canada, and then the user just needs to point to the downloaded file on the iBIN page. This huge file, requires 64bit. Optimized the code for this data search better than the previous, so it runs much faster.
- This version of AERflare defaults to use Odour Units for H2S rather than mass emission rate modelling. However, the MODOURUNITS flag on the iSTART can be changed to use the older method.
- Corrected cell protection issues
- Corrected issue of strip error returned while reading dem. Occurred when domain straddled two map files and DEM used strips rather than tiles.
- AERflare-incin Version V2.16.201116
- Added error checking for DEMLIB and LCCLIB, if folders exist and for read/write errors.
- ESRI projection read error bug
- Security updates.
AERflare-incin Version V2.15.2002xx
- Revised receptor grid creation which bypassed the first level. The first level now fills from distance 0m to Xm, with the initial resolution of (default) 20m. This allows the user to specify a 20m resolution to (say) 250m distance when the fenceline only is 100m distance, to catch high concentration near the fenceline.
- Updated Physical Constants and parameters with GPSA Databook 14 (2016)
- Updated Engines and Turbines parameters with updated list from GPSA Databook 14 (2016)
- Added odour unit calculations as the preferred odour calculation method for H2S
- Updated land use classification data with North American updated files (circa 2010).
- Updated Datum and projection abilities to handle most transformations. Changed the source location to include datum and projection. These should will be used to transform DEM and LCCC data to user select coordinates.
- Added ability to read European land use classification
- Added flare type pages descriptions of some common flare header and terminology
- Added Df and Dunob (changed from flare tip Diameter, Ds). Df is the nominal flare stack inside diameter. Dunob is the calculated equivalent un-obstructed flow diameter. Df will be used for stack tip downwash calculations. Dunob is used for momentum calculations.
- Improved the estimate momentum and buoyancy calculations.
- Added mLANDUSE2002 flag on iSTART to use old LCC file or new files
- Updated links to DEM data in Canada
- Added entries for specific LCC files using newer large domain files on iBIN page
- Added MODOURUNITS to iSTART page to use (preferred) calculation of H2S odour units
- Added mFORCESTRIP to iSTART for technical testing of forcing the stripped H2S gases to be cold rather than partially hot.
- Increased speed for LCC data classification and conversion to AERMET
- Increased speed for DEM reading and processing.
- Reapplied all style settings on the corrupted workbook
AERflare-incin Version V2.14.1910xx
- Updated stream assist calculations
- Added modelling for odour units (OU/s) for H2S component as an alternative H2S (g/s)
- Added Ratio of Air/Steam entrainment ratio (RAIRSTEAM) at injectors to account for momentum and dilution at stack tip. Steam assist now uses a default 0.8 air/steam (wt/wt) ratio. Steam assist therefore adds forced momentum of both steam and air.
- Added iFLARETYPES page to describe various flare stack tip configurations for of the calculation of raw gas non-obstructed flow diameter (Ds). Also added entry for total flow area, Df to calculate the net combined flare assist velocity at stack tip.
- Air Assist calculations were adjusted to ensure that air assist contributed correctly to the stack top velocity (and downwash effects
AERflare.v212.190220.xlsm (updated 2019-Feb-20)
- set default value of NPUFFS=3 on iSOURCE page to avoid user error
- corrected pseudo velocity calculation when exit is limited by choked flow.
- corrected Buoyancy flux calculation for mFLAMEOUT for difference of specific heat between air and source.
- corrected bad conversion of LFL (%) to LFL (µg/m³)
- corrected a bug that may appear during non-routine button-5 operation.
- corrected missing mMULTISOURCE default wind speed
- corrected missing link and macro compile error
AERflare.v212.190121.xlsm (updated 2019-Jan-21)
- Added MFGR on start page. MFGR controls whether the fuel gas is added as a proportional rate (as per previous releases, each QMAX, QAVE and QMIN has a fuel gas ratio) or as a constant rate (see iSOURCE FLARE_FUEL entry).
- Updated mFLAMEOUT. The H2S output will display the non-combusted sour content of the flare. The SO2 output will display the non-combusted hydrocarbons. See oCALCFLARE cell C323 for a estimate of an applicable threshold LFL concentration in ug/m3 for combustable levels. Hazard calculations should also consider LFL/2 or LFL/4. Note, the predictions are based upon 1h time averages whereas hazard calculations might use 20sec time average for combustion issues.
- Blowdown can be specified by vessel volume/pressure; Qmax and volume; Qmax and time (15minutes); Qave and time (15minutes).
- Graphic on oBLOWDOWN abscissa axis allowed to auto-scale.
- oBLOWDOWN toggle to show mass and/or duration step
- various bugs
- AERflare-incin Version V2.10.181029
- Added mMULTISOURCE option on start page. This option allows the user to use the AERflare parameters when combined with other multisource AERMOD modelling when the stack tip downwash is calculated. Since the option to use the control setting NOSTD (no stack tip downwash) is a global setting that affects all sources, the pseudo-height of a flare is adjusted to compensate for AERMOD’s treatment of stack tip downwash using the pseudo-parameters entered.
AERflare.v210.180517.xlsm (updated 2018-May-17)
- Corrected, the run flags displayed on oAERSCREEN. The flags are written upon completion of the calculations for each of the six run cases.
- Add maximum limit to fire ball radiation emissivity
- Adjusted significant digits on BlowDown page for better viewing
AERflare.v210.180319.xlsm (updated 2018-Mar-19)
- Corrected improper read of run flags. The default setting of the run flags all blank or all set was not read correctly, and a run with all blank was returned without running any met conditions.
- BETA: Added processing of EPA, British Columbia and Ontario flaring source pseudo-parameters. The methods are selectable using the iSTART page and the mpseudo setting.
- Updated the RBC criteria to 99.9087% from 99.9% to better match the 8760 hours. The 99.9087% is equivalent to the 9th highest.
- Updated the land classification processing to change from point sample methodology to the more precise land use area calculation methodology. This changes the processing from point-wise sub-sampling of a grid cell N-times to determine the average LCC codes; and instead, determines the polygon area of each LCC type within a cell.
- Added optimized sorting algorithm to speed up post-processing and meteorological processing
- Corrected bad write of data to parallel assessment on oAERSCREEN with zeroes. This corrects a false warning message of apparent minimum data requirement on the oSUMMARY page
AERflare.v210.180216.xlsm (updated 2018-Feb-16)
- Corrected bad warning message regarding inputs not matching outputs.
AERflare-incin.v210.180215.xlsm (updated 2018-Feb-15)
- Corrected bad write of data to parallel assessment on oAERSCREEN with zeroes. This corrects a false warning message of apparent minimum data requires on the oSUMMARY page
AERflare-incin.v210.180209.xlsm (updated 2018-Feb-09)
- Corrected/adjusted warnings and messages on the iSOURCE and oSUMMARY page to match the change in output method (text YES/NO/PASS/FAIL vs radio buttons). Several messages adjacent to PASS/FAIL results on oSUMMARY were not displayed appropriately resulting from previous changes in buttons and may have caused some confusion. Sorry. Added highlights for faster review of issues that may require further documentation for applications.
- Added the display of potential issues raised on oSUMMARY to general red flags
- Added default notes to the iNOTES page.
- Added Run flags and source orientation to the recalculation required lists on oAERSCREEN
- Set the axis divisions to auto on the figure on oBLOWDOWN so that the figure adjusts to all sorts of inputs
- For permits, added a new figure page to display the AER_FIGURE4 flow chart with decision points from the entries.
- Corrected UTM zone bug when entering Geographical coordinates on iSOURCE page then making calculations on iTERRAIN or iUSERTER pages
- Changed coding avoid false-positives of malicious or suspicious activity during virus scanning when sending by eMail to AER. Removed dead code. Changed coding practice of saving settings to registry to a method that saves settings to a file on windows temp folder. A file “AERTOOLS_Settings_AERflare.ini” is created to save inter-session settings such ViewTechnicalPages, iBin Settings, etc. Each time you open a spreadsheet, it will check if the INI file exists, and if so, it will refresh the settings in the workbook being loaded. If the INI file does not exist, then the workbook will create the file as required to save your settings.
- Changed the name of the oCALCULATIONS page to oCALCFLARE.
- Added warning flags to the top of oBLOWDOWN page
- Corrected auto-scaling issues on oBLOWDOWN figure 1
- (Beta Testing) Unlocked the ONT MOE variable radiation heat loss method (see mvarrad on iSTART) which uses the Ont. MOE method to adjust heat loss as a function of flared gas molar mass.
- (Beta Testing) Unlocked the oFOLIAGE processing page. This page is used for analyzing SO2 damage to foliage as part of MOE BC assessments. This page works with saved data and is a post-processing option.
- Added orange shading (warning) to fields on oSUMMARY page. Highlighted the Number of potential issues raised and number of non-default settings (top right of page) for reviewers.
- Corrected incorrectly dimensioned matrix when loading sources.csv and creating a receptor grid.
- Corrected mismatched receptor grid when loading sources.csv file.
- Adjusted entry of HEATER/BOILER efficiency entry; entered on iSOURCE page. Stack losses for heaters and boilers may be calculated on iENGINE page but is manually entered on the iSOURCE page
- Added POINT, POINTCAP, POINTHOR stack types to iSOURCE input page for incinerators, boilers, heaters, engines
- Adjusted Engine energy balance exhaust calculations. Calculations now use the engine specs as a starting point for heat loss at end of engine (may include muffler) and then adds 15% heat loss through stack.
AERflare-incin.v209.170915.zip (updated 2017-Sep-15)
- Corrects external link error “personal.xlam”
AERflare-incin.v209.170914.zip (updated 2017-Sep-14) -- archived
- Corrects output for H2S for RBC and Climit; which always returned 100th value. This bug was introduced as part of the 170801 version.
- minor cosmetic fixes
AERflare-incin.v209.170802.zip (updated 2017-Aug-02) -- archived
- Corrects 'Function not available to you' message when selecting Permit/Application or Flare/Incinerator on the iSTART page
AERflare-incin.v209.170801.zip (updated 2017-Aug-02) -- archived
AERflare-incin.v209.170801.zip (updated 2017-Aug-01) -- archived
- Corrected issue relating to the appearance of a virus (there wasn't a virus)
- Added option for batch mode operation to export the plottable data results from oAERSCREEN page
- Added processing to the oPROCESSING page to 'Add' a secondary modelling results to the the flaring. When modelling flares, the control setting NOSTD must be used when using the pseudo-parameters. For other sources NOSTD should not be used. Therefore, flares must be modelled separately from other sources. In Alberta, non-routine, upset and emergency flares are not modelled with other cumulative emissions. For routine flaring, flare emissions should be included with other emissions. If the dispersion modelling uses the same receptor grid, the output POSTFILE data time series can be added. The 'Add' switch allows the user to specify a POSTFILE output results for other sources which is added during run-time processing to form a cumulative concentration.
- Updated oMODELLING page to list real-source parameters and pseudo-source parameters. Added emission factors and emission rates of non-sour components.
- AERflare-incin now uses the newer format GeoTIFF for DEM rather than the older CDEM (no longer supported). The iBIN page is updated with the link to the new downloads. The GeoTIFF files are larger but processing them is a little bit faster.
- Bug fixes for Emissions Factors
- Bug fixes for Engine/Boiler/Heater calculations
- Updated code for downloading from the internet
- Added BC MOE foliage damage post-processing calculations
- Added Ont. MOE methodology for variable heat radiation losses with changes in flared gas MW.
- Added daily 1h maximum calculation as an alternative to maximum hourly average concentration.
- Added 24h and annual average calculations
- Added high-pressure fuel flare-assist. This flare-assist adds fuel additional fuel at high co-flowing momentum
- Updated the flare air-assist calculation to account for air required. Thus air-assist is assumed to replace stoichiometric air until satisfied. Air-assist greater than stoichiometric will then degrade combustion.
- revised presentation of oSUMMARY to avoid broken links issues.
- Small bug fixes
AERflare-incin.v206.161101a.zip (updated 2017-Jan-15)
- Corrects 64bit declaration
AERflare-incin.v206.161101.zip (updated 2016-Nov-01)
- Corrected broken links on oSUMMARY page
AERflare-incin.v206.161028.zip (updated 2016-Oct-28)
- Corrected printout on iTERRAIN, where Row 80 of the page could be over-written if the contour interval was low.
- Corrected printout on iTERRAIN of xyz-distance, where the start index in the contour data array could be calculated incorrectly depending upon the final contour interval
- Corrected iBATCH save of DEM_OUT (rows 56-80, exclusive of flare 0,0), instead of (rows 55-79, inclusive of flare 0,0).
AERflare-incin.v206.161027.zip (updated 2016-Oct-27)
- Windows 10 Update KB3199209 leads to crash of Excel when AERflare-incin is loaded.
AERflare-incin.v206.160922.zip (updated 2016-Sep-22)
- Corrected missing calculation for Qmin flammability check for air assisted flaring.
- Corrected bug affecting selection of Incinerator source type dropdown and creating an error message “cannot write to protected area”.
- conditional formatting corrections
package includes spreadsheet, examples, met files
AERflare-incin-Metfiles (v4).zip (updated 2017-Aug-05)
- This zip contains the screening met files that update the MAKEMET to AERSCREEN and AERMOD v16216
AERflare-incin-Metfiles (v3).zip (updated 2016-Jun-02)
- This zip contains the screening met files required to run AERflare-incin in screening mode.
AERflare-incin.v206.161027.package.zip (updated 2016-Oct-27)
The AERflare user manual has been revised and is released in DRAFT form, pending user comments and reviews. Whereas the User Manual provides detailed information regarding the inputs and outputs, a Tutorial and 'What is Expected' manual is now being prepared.
INTERIM -- ABflare has been updated to v3.01. This version includes updates to calculations to match AERflare. Security updates are pending to match similar exe/bat calls in AERflare
The ABflare user guide has been update to include the latest features 2017, v1.03
Please check out the AERtools support forum and discussions page. Much can be learned by sharing your concerns or solutions.
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