Zelt PSi is proud to offer the services listed below to clients and engage in a lasting relationship.
Air Dispersion Modelling
ZeltPSi provides air dispersion modelling assessments using AERMOD, CALPUFF, AERflare-incin, ERCBH2S, SLAB, or other model as required.
Public Safety Risk Assessment
ZeltPSi has created a model suite for toxic and thermal hazards including point and linear
risk. Calculation of location risk, societal risk, PD, FN curves, and consequence maps
Application Development
ZeltPSi has developed applications in C/C++, VB, Fortran, PHP, Word, Access, mySQL
ZeltPSi has the experience for expert witness reviews before NEB, AER and Queen's Bench and for peer review air quality assessments
Zelt PSi has been developing air dispersion modelling tools since 1986. With strong fundamentals in meteorology, emissions estimation and thermodynamics, Zelt PSi applies engineering experience to air quality assessments using today's industry standard air dispersion models such as CALPUFF/CALMET and AERMOD/AERMET.
Linking emissions, hazardous assessment exposure and consequence, Zelt PSi is developing and applying software tools for the calculation of toxic, thermal and explosion risk assessment including individual and societal risk with mapping capabilities.
Beginning before the development of todays standard engineering or graphics libraries, provided Zelt PSi with core fundamentals in a wide range of specialties and platforms including: real-time computing, graphics, assembler, user-interface, database, windows applications and console applications. Zelt PSi applies app development strategies to solving everyday repetitive/reproducible/traceable calculations. Zelt PSi is developing in fortran, C/C++ and VB applications common languages.
Zelt PSi is recognized for its integrity, professional and independence. Regardless of which side of the table, Zelt PSi ensures an objective and scientific review of the materials, facts and calculations.
ZELT Professional Services Inc.